Sunday, October 24, 2010


The Youth had a Temple trip so we decided to go up the night before and camp. Of course we wanted to have our teenage boys with us.... but...... Areos had to explain a few things so me.

"Mom, there are two parts to a Temple trip...(he said).....the drive up which is the fun part and the baptisms in the Temple which are the spiritual part. We just don't wanna miss either one".
After having that cleared up...... what could I say??? We decided to have our "fun part" and our "spiritual part" too. I loved both! We have such awesome youth and it was such a blessing for us as a couple to serve with them in the Nauvoo Temple. That was the spiritual part. The fun part was camping with Ashly, and hitting the historical sights. That was wonderful too. All in all I am now a believer in the Areos theory.

Look at that smile!

Aw, Ben, your a boy after your own parents heart!

Our Scout

Areos has won the
Scout Uniform Inspection twice now.....Dad is having so much fun having his very own scout at home. I think the world of Areos...I love seeing him grow and develop! We are so lucky to be his parents!

Mom is a working woman

This is my office. The life of an insurance agent!

Fall Festival

Look what the fall festival brought.....two little monkeys in a tree and then there were .....three!!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ben is a Yellow Belt

We were lucky enough to see Ben get his Yellow Belt in Taekwando. Isn't he a cutie!!!

Brandon Runs the Marathon...26.2 miles!!!!!

Brandon did the unthinkable, at least for me it is unimaginable let alone unthinkable. He ran the KC Marathon last Saturday Oct 16th. It was his first time running anything close to the 26.2 miles. He did not train so Dad and I were super concerned. He did it though. Dad and I thought we would burst with pride and relief. He sets his mind to something and he does it. I admire you so much Brandon.

This is his victory pose after finishing. He was only one of three that ran the marathon that were under the age of 18. I tend to think he was the youngest runner because he just turned 16 in August. You have to be 16 to run a marathon. He finished strong but was in allot of pain. Victory hurts!

I am the totally blown away mom in purple standing next to my champion runner.

The runners were a humongous crowd.

Mike and I stayed and waited for Brandon. After volunteering handing out water to the runners we found a place to sit and wait on the corner of the turn that lead the runners up to the finish line. We had a great time cheering runners on as we listened to a live band that was playing across the street.

Brandon is with a sister from the ward and her son waiting to start the marathon. He was the only one of the three that ran the full 26.2 miles, they did a half marathon and a 5 k.
Thank you all who donated money so that Brandon could run for charity. We want to thank Nan...and Grandpa and Grandma Mundy especially.
Brandon I wanna be just like you when I grow up!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Axel is an Elder in the Priesthood.

It is so very extraordinary to see the transformation of ones little baby into a man. I have had the profound joy of seeing Axel reach this time in his life. Last Sunday, Oct. 17th 2010 Axel was sustained in our Stake Conference as a Melchizedek Priesthood holder. Later that afternoon, Dad conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood and Ordained Axel to the office of an Elder. Michael gave Axel a beautiful blessing. I am profoundly grateful that Axel has lived his life preparing himself to be worthy to serve the Lord. I do not know of a more sublime blessing than that a of a worthy son choosing to follow the path of our Savior. I am filled with gratitude. We are so proud of our eldest son. We love you Axel. I love you my little one.

Look who we caught!

Mom: Aha.......Sammy, what are you doing????????
Dad: Sam stay right there.....(quick, where is my camera)
Mom: oh Sam....hahahah
Ashly: LOOK at Sam.......................

and all 4 other kids come running to see we all love our Sam

Halloween Hollow Part II

Areos & Ashly...were hard at work trying to raise the flag.....they are so much fun and do such a great job of watching out for their two younger brothers, thanks you two!

Ben looked so cool!!! We went to the thrift store that morning and each of the kids chose their costumes. Ben wanted a made up one...made up by who you might ask? by Ben of course! We had fun galore that whole day.... so great to be with my little ones.

Halloween Rock!

We took the four younger kids to a Halloween Hollow and they had to "rock on" to get their very own guitars. Ashly jumped at the chance, Areos followed right after....Sam was up on the stage as soon as he realised what it would take to get an inflatable guitar. Ben had to think about it long and hard...he first said...I don't care....but soon enough he had come to his senses and admitted that he did care and would have to go on stage and ROCK ON if he was going to get one there you have our Rock Stars!!!!
I wounder if I could come up with some sort of inflatable to get them to clean the house???

This is a classic and Mike could not resist

Mom and Sammy sitting on the pot....what do you get....some funny times for us! of course!
keep it clean people....hahahaha