Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Nana Adventures

Areos, Ashly, and I spent a couple of days with Nana during Spring Break. Since we did not give her much of an advance warning that we would be there Nana had to work. On Tuesday we first went to visit Grandma Shontz then we drove home to a "green mole" dinner I cooked for everyone. It was nice to see grandma Shontz and spend some time with her singing oldies but goodies.

This visit to St. Louis was really a treat for me because I got to wait for my husband to arrive home from work and greet him at the door. This was the first time in our marriage that I was so blessed to eat dinner with my husband for a whole week and enjoy the evenings with him. I was so happy!

While we were at Nana's we watched allot of TV. The kids really enjoyed that. Thank you so much Mom for making us welcome and being so wonderful to be around.

At the end of that visit we attended the St. Louis Temple with Nana. It was a very special experience to be there and sit together through a session. I will always remember our first Temple visit together.

In January Nana came and spent a weekend with us. We enjoyed her visit so much. Sam was thrilled cause Nana brought him a special gift for having gotten potty trained. She gave him a kaleidoscope. It was Awesome!!!!


  1. I love your blog Sabrina! I have made a book from mine too (and need to do another). I agree that it is a great way to keep a family history

  2. Thanks Tamara. I seem to always be behind though. I'll have to ask you how to go about turning it into a book when I am ready cause I have no idea. When are you guys visiting us? Maybe this summer?
